Costa Coffee:

M&C Saatchi Open House Pitch Competition

In 2021, I took part in the the M&C Saatchi Open House Pitch Competition. 80 applicants applied and were grouped into 9 teams. I was responsible for creative strategy, concepting and artwork production. After successfully winning the pitch task, I was offered a role to join M&C Saatchi after impressing the client and the judges.

Creative Strategy, Concepting & Artwork Production


Costa were keen to step up their work on sustainability. They wanted to show to their consumers, baristas and supply chain partners that they are committed to being more sustainable. Less cows milk & more alternative milks are some of the most significant levers that Costa can pull to reduce their environmental impact over the next 2 years.


(1) Get Costa Club members to make an additional visit to try an alternative milk; and

(2) Position Costa with customers, baristas and supply chain partner, as a brand that encourages more sustainable behaviours.

Research methods used:

  • Consumer insights, psychological studies, consumer behaviours, market trends, data and analytics

Target Audience

  • 25-44, commuters, social and solo, 90% care about environmental issues and only 1/3 are doing anything about it


  • 43% of consumers who have never tried a plant-based milk in a coffee shop indicate they simply prefer the taste of diary milk

  • Cow milk consumers said a potential motivator for consuming dairy alternatives is the idea of ‘trying something new’




Cow milk consumers are unaware of the environmental impact of dairy and are uncertain about which alternative is best for them

I often stick to old habits and familiar routines, but have forgotten the delight of discovering something new

Costa will make it easy and fun to choose a milk that’s right for you and the environment

Brief Research & Insight

The Solution- “Milk Match”

From our solution, our team came up with the idea of ‘Milk Match’. We made the connection between the themes of discovery and exploration with the fun, ease and accessibility of modern dating apps. When people use dating apps, they move out of their comfort zone to meet someone new. They explore the dating scene to see who would match the best with them. Milk Match is a light-hearted and engaging way to connect the customer with a new plant-based milk.

Milk Match achieves 3 key things:

Firstly, it makes it easy for people to understand milk alternatives

Secondly, it allows customers to discover which plant-based milk is right for them

Thirdly, customers learn how their choice is making a positive impact on the environment

The Sustainables

To help people meet their perfect milk match, our team invented ‘The Sustainables’. We created 4 characters whose design is inspired by plant-based milks.

Coconut - the sweet one; Soya - the smooth one; Oat - the happy one and Almond - the nutty one.

All of the characters reflected Costa’s core values - fun, happy, cheeky and friendly.

Costa Coffee M&C Saatchi 2021 Open House Pitch Competition Creative Natalie Wong
Costa Coffee M&C Saatchi 2021 Open House Pitch Competition Creative Natalie Wong
Costa Coffee M&C Saatchi 2021 Open House Pitch Competition Creative Natalie Wong
Costa Coffee M&C Saatchi 2021 Open House Pitch Competition Creative Natalie Wong
Costa Coffee M&C Saatchi 2021 Open House Pitch Competition Creative Natalie Wong
Costa Coffee M&C Saatchi 2021 Open House Pitch Competition Creative Natalie Wong

Milk Match App

Simple and fun questions designed to find each customer’s perfect alternative milk match. In constructing the questions and responses, we looked at 4 key elements that were important to the Costa customer: environment, health benefits, taste profile and personality. All 4 elements are reflected in the narrative of each character.

Costa Coffee M&C Saatchi 2021 Open House Pitch Competition Creative Natalie Wong
Costa Coffee M&C Saatchi 2021 Open House Pitch Competition Creative Natalie Wong

Out of Home Assets

Taste Test meets Speed Dating

Costa could hold one-off speed dating events where people get to order free or discounted coffee drinks with alternative milks when they sign up for the event.


Could famously single Celebs Go Dating and Love Island finally find their match through Costa? Costa to sponsor a dating show

Costa x tinder Partnership

Costa Coffee M&C Saatchi 2021 Open House Pitch Competition Creative Natalie Wong

Push Notifications

Costa Coffee app members to receive special rewards and be notified by scheduled push notifications sent to their devices.

Costa Coffee M&C Saatchi 2021 Open House Pitch Competition Creative Natalie Wong

Costa could partner with tinder, creating fun and cheeky profiles for each of the alternative milks on the dating app. With select participants receiving free or discounted coffees in store.


